This year’s show is entitled El Dia De La Vida! This lively and colorful celebration of life is inspired by the music and culture of the festive traditions of Mexico. We open with No Doubt’s Tragic Kingdom, an up-tempo Latin rock tune which features our bass player as well as mixed-meter movement.
The eerie melodies of Danny Elfman’s Beetlejuice pulls us into the world of the macabre. Ozomatli’s Donde Se Fueron spotlights the percussion who launch us into our fiesta, which concludes with Chango, a frenzied closing number featuring drastically contrasting tempos.
The band is under the direction of Mr. Adam Tucker. Assistant Band Director and Color Guard Director is Mrs. Tink Fazekas. Our Head Percussion Instructor is Mr. Tim Wilson. Our staff includes Sam Esquirell, Andrew Gottesman, Lisa Gribbin, Derek Kostovick, and Shawn Zelner. Drill design is by Eric Kitchenman. Music and choreography is by the incomparable Banderman Productions!
Captains this year include Allison Repsik, Michaela Miller, Julia Markey, Noah Allen, Morgan McMullen, Jonathan Detwiler, Steven Nadal, Sydni Bivighouse, and Loue Repsik. The band is led onto the field by Drum Majors Priya Pradhan and Nathan Renner.
The Big Red Marching Band would like to thank Souderton Area School District Superintendent Mr. Frank Gallagher, SAHS Principal Dr. Sam Varano, and all the faculty, staff, and community for their continued support. Special thanks to the Big Red Band Boosters for their hard work and dedication to this great organization.